Making Everyone Skilled is Our Passion

At Seasonalytics, we possess a keen sense of seasonal patterns in meeting every corporate’s need for skilled resources. Our understanding of the IT market surpasses that of any of our competitors. We have forged robust partnerships with renowned institutes, including IIT, numerous engineering colleges in India and abroad, as well as many prominent IT companies.

Our intellectual training pattern encompasses a design-time learning approach. We start by teaching you the basics, ensuring your fundamentals are strong. Next, we guide you in creating mind maps, connecting concepts to real-life examples, and employing various analogies. We utilize multiple learning modalities. Ultimately, this comprehensive approach equips you with the skills needed to deliver 10X to 100X productivity on real-world projects when you’re hired by corporations in the future.

Scroll below to know, how do we do it –

Better Evaluation of Students

A Complete Learning Kit

Connecting your Strengths to Success

Strategies for Struggling Students

Increase Productivity

Comprehensive Study Materials

We help you to Reach your Goals.

Because we Have the Best Industry Trainers

with exceptional experience on Training and Mentoring Students

We make our students completely skilled. By following a structured workflow for software learning, The students can effectively build their proficiency and achieve their learning objectives. At Seasonalytics, this approach helps every students develop personalized learning plans that are tailored to their individual needs and objectives.


Best Creative Excellence Award


Achiever of the year Award


Outstanding Silver Award

Our Top Students work here

Students we trained excelled the best everywhere

Our Training Workflow

Shaping, Sprint, Iterations, Release


Identify the Task

We encourage the students to initiate and identify the root problems.


Breaking the Task into Parts

Then we provide an opportunity to the students to break the task into multiple manageable pieces.


Setting an Agenda

Then we discuss with the students, the amount of time necessary to complete each part of their task.


Students Summary of Thought Process

Finally we have the Students summarize the process of addressing type of each task. This makes them to learn fundamental solution of any problems.

Live Learning

This is the best learning format for every student who wants to go beyond the current generation

Analysis shows that there is a lot of problems faced by Students who are Graduates in any stream or getting graduates like  High Student-Teacher Ratio, Outdated Curriculum in Colleges, Lack of opportunity to get skilled trainers, Non-transparent placement processes in colleges, The Employability Crisis for every student, The Issue of Immediate Employability as students are not skilled to meet market demand. Also the Job Market for Engineering Graduates is continuous falling. Offer letter is given , but joining date is not confirmed and Preference for Non-Engineering Jobs is very low

View Our Best Courses
Live Instructions

Real-time interaction

Personalized attention

Industry Approved

Customized content

Collaboration opportunities

Updated Syllabus

Best Convenience

Flexibility & Cost-effective

Practical Examples

Up-to-date information

Increased motivation

For any learning, Foundation is very important. At Seasonalytics, we aim to connect the concepts to students so that they learn with real-life examples. This approach helps students better understand how the concepts work in real-world scenarios, making them more memorable.

We Teach the Ensuing Skills

At Seasonalytics, our focus on skills development enables students to attain flexibility, accessibility, interactivity, and scalability. Our in-depth approach to learning allows us to customize training to meet industry demands, rather than simply following a standard syllabus. Our Ensuing training methodology has roots in classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. Additionally, online training is often more cost-effective than traditional classroom-based training, with no travel or accommodation costs and lower course fees

Our training is combined with proven teaching methods to ensure easy understanding of technical concepts

AI : ChatGPT....

BI - Qlik....


DI - Informatica

EI - AWS,Azure

Our Achievements

Many people consider us to be one of the highest-rated training and consultancy companies

Updated Learning Services

Unlike our competitors, Seasonalytics has entered the market with the goal of providing quality-oriented, practical-based learning to our students. It has been observed that many students face difficulties in job interviews after receiving training from other institutes that focus solely on theory. At Seasonalytics, we take a collaborative approach to ensure our learners are 100% ready for any organization



We have conducted numerous online training sessions for both domestic and international students



We have won six awards over the past six years, and many of our students have also won the Best Employee Award



We specialize in niche technology training and maintain a highly focused training syllabus

Our Instructors


Accredited Tutoring Services

Raj SaxenaVocational Training
Prity SInghInformatica
Ranjan MalhotraInformatica
Mary GlowArtificial Intelligence
I recently completed a course on Vocational Training and got the Job from Seasonalytics during training. I can honestly say it has transformed the way my life. The course was well-organized and easy to follow, and the instructor was patient and knowledgeable. I now feel confident in my ability to manage work. Thank you for providing such a valuable training program.
I was skeptical about online training at first, but after completing a course on Informatica, I am a true believer. The course was engaging and interactive, and the instructor was able to answer all of my questions in a timely manner. I now feel confident in my ability to perform better in my job. Thank you for providing such a great training program

Aliis esse maiora, illud dubium, ad id, quod summum bonum dicitis, ecquaenam possit fieri accessio. Ac tamen, ne cui loco non videatur esse responsum, pauca etiam nunc dicam ad reliquam orationem tuam.

As someone who had never used Informatica before, I was intimidated by the idea of learning a new software program. However, after completing a training course on Informatica, I feel much more confident in my ability to use the program effectively. The course was engaging and interactive, and the instructor was knowledgeable and patient. I highly recommend this training program to anyone looking to improve their Informatica skills
I recently completed a course on Artificial Intelligence, and it was an excellent learning experience. I am from Australia, but Tony made me learn effectively. The course content was well-structured and easy to understand, and the instructor was knowledgeable and supportive. I now feel confident in my ability to write Python scripts and develop applications. Thank you for providing such a great training program

Exclusive Support

Access to a library of resources, including video tutorials, practice exercises and reference materials

Industry Approved

Many of Our Students have won Best Employee Award in their company

Richard Anderson

Practical Examples

Our Students Excel in another level due to our self systematic educational training

R Roshan

Learn from Experts

Interactive Learning

Our interactive approach makes it feel like you being trained from comfort of your own home
